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Although there is a lot of diversity on the planet, they have very little music and art that really makes a difference. Because the planet mainly moves in the direction of trade and the sciences, the people don’t really focus that much on their art and culture. They do have traditional songs and ways of painting that still exist today but are very little used. Only for special events and important traditions that are celebrated. There is indeed a museum where the people keep all of the important historic relics like paintings and pottery. They have the very firsts original instruments that the elders created like the pianocytar, and the flutaracas which are old instruments first invented by both the Khalis and the Zamaaras. They also have murals painted with the different lands of the planet and their beauty. They also paint the leaders and the animals and plants that inhabit the planet. They all represent the difference of the people as well as of the land they live in. Although the people are not that into art, the streets and the building are built and painted in artistic ways that look beautiful and make people feel happy.  Art is slowly being put in the life of the people by all of those works that are created. The people of Gonza love music and they can’t live without it. Everywhere you go you will hear in the streets the newest songs and sometimes the old ones that have been going around for ages. The people really like the songs for they feel that they help you concentrate on life and they help you channel your emotions.

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