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Star: Azara

Distance from Earth: (Light Years) 10 lights years away

Average Year: 500 days

Average Day: 40 hours

Size: 3,200 km

Gravity: 3g

Gonza is a very peculiar planet that, at first glance, may surprise the beholder. But that is the exact reason why the Victorians decided to populate the big and colorful planet, after searching for one for so long. It is the second largest planet in its solar system, and it’s surrounded but seven other planets, with which the Victorians trade with and keep a peaceful alliance. Gonza is a very peculiar planet because it is divided equally in three parts by three different ecosystems. One third is a mix between savannah and dessert (rich in minerals), the other is all rainforest (with a diverse amount of medical herbs) and the las third is covered completely by water (which is what is used to provide electricity to the people). At the very center of these three divisions there is a huge plateau, as big as 5,000 football fields, where the Victorians settled and created their cities and communities. The reason there is such a difference between the ecosystems is the amount of precipitation and wind that circulate throughout the planet. There is more precipitation and less wind in the northern part of the planet, which is where the rainforest is located, and there is little to no precipitation and a lot of wind in the southern part of the planet, which is where the dessert is. Gonza is about 220 million km away from its sun Azara which gives it livable conditions and the days are relatively long. Gonza’s huge body of water (which tales up one third of the planet as stated before) is what gives the Victorians their electricity, for they have invented different power plants that can be installed at the bottom of the ocean, and with the currents it makes electricity and, since they are ecofriendly, they don’t damage any of the ecosystems there.

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