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There is a very diverse ecosystem on Gonza. There is a vast number or birds, aquatic and terrestrial animals. There are about 700 different types of plants in Gonza that can serve as medicin and are very helpful for the immune system. There plants are very sacred to the people of Gonza since they rely on them completely. There are also 300 different types of trees that provide shade and homes for the different types of birds and small animals like monkeys. In the rainforest you can find different species of frogs, birds, cats, monkeys and insects. One animal you can barely find is the golden jaguar, this big cat is calm and elegant with a coat of beautiful black fur and golden eyes that trap its prey in their deepness. The golden jaguar is the national animal of Gonza. There are also many animals that live in the dessert as well as plants. All the animals that live there are mainly found underground, escaping the heat, but the plants that live there are peculiar. They are the color of oil and have beautiful red and orange flowers. They are very poisonous to people but very nutritive to the animals that live there. These flowers are known as the fire flowers and are the national flower of Gonza. And in the ocean there are many types of fish, most of them poisonous so the Victorians don’t usually eat them. And you can usually find whales that can communicate with you and dolphins that steal your fish.

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